Entrepreneurial Assistance

Building Black-Owned Businesses for Success

At Erie’s Black Wall Street (EBWS), we are passionate about fostering entrepreneurship within our community. We understand that entrepreneurship is a powerful force for creating economic empowerment, and we are here to support both established business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs on their journey to success. Our range of services under the Entrepreneurial Support program is designed to provide the essential tools, resources, and connections needed to thrive in the business world.

1. Business 101 & Back Office Support:

Our foundational workshops cover the basics of business, equipping you with the knowledge needed to succeed. Highlights of this service include:

  • Business Fundamentals: Learn the core principles of starting and managing a business, from business plans to legal requirements.

  • Grant Writing Assistance: Discover the secrets of successful grant writing, gaining access to potential funding opportunities.

  • Social Media Training: Harness the power of social media for marketing and brand-building.

By participating in these workshops, you’ll establish a solid foundation for your business and acquire valuable skills that can propel your entrepreneurial journey.

2. Black Business Listening & Networking Sessions: In our safe and supportive environment, connect with fellow Black business owners to share experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Our listening sessions offer:

  • Peer Networking: Build relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and exchange ideas and insights.

  • Voice Your Needs: Share your unique challenges and needs, helping us tailor our support to your specific requirements.

  • Mutual Support: Join a community that understands your journey and can offer guidance and encouragement. These sessions are not just about networking; they’re about building a supportive community that champions your success.

3. Business Cohort: Thrive in Erie (12-Month Incubator Program): In partnership with Paramount Pursuits, our Thrive in Erie program is designed to break down barriers to entrepreneurship and provide a structured path to success. Highlights include:

  • One-on-One Mentoring: Receive personalized guidance from experienced mentors.

  • Educational Seminars: Attend workshops on essential business topics and gain specialized knowledge.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with a network of entrepreneurs and potential collaborators. Thrive in Erie is your opportunity to take your business to the next level, guided by experienced mentors and surrounded by a supportive entrepreneurial community.

4. Black-Owned Business Directory: Our comprehensive directory showcases Black-owned businesses in Erie, offering a valuable resource for individuals looking to support and connect with these enterprises.

Benefits include:

  • Increased Visibility: Gain exposure for your business among our community and beyond.

  • Customer Connections: Connect with potential customers who are actively seeking Black-owned businesses.

  • Networking Opportunities: Discover collaboration opportunities with other Black entrepreneurs in the directory. By joining our Black-Owned Business Directory, you become a visible and integral part of Erie’s vibrant Black business ecosystem.

5. GREENlight Business Awards & Gala: We celebrate the outstanding achievements of Black entrepreneurs through the GREENlight Business Awards & Gala. This prestigious event recognizes excellence in various business categories and provides a platform for showcasing your success to a wider audience. Highlights include:

  • Awards Ceremony: Receive recognition for your hard work and dedication to your business.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with influential individuals in the business community.

  • Inspiration and Empowerment: Be inspired by the stories of successful Black entrepreneurs who have overcome challenges to achieve greatness. This gala is a highlight of our commitment to celebrating and elevating the achievements of Black business owners.

At EBWS, we are committed to empowering Black entrepreneurs and driving economic growth within our community. Our Entrepreneurial Support program is a cornerstone of our mission, and we invite you to take full advantage of these services as you navigate the entrepreneurial landscape. Together, we can build a thriving future for Black-owned businesses in Erie.